35 hospital and health system chief innovation officers to know | 2023

Becker’s Healthcare is delighted to honor 35 hospital and health system chief innovation officers.

In the current age of accelerated digital transformation, chief innovation officers ensure that their hospitals and health systems remain on the cutting-edge of care delivery. Chief innovation officers foster cultures of innovation, creativity and open-mindedness, leading to novel technologies, enhanced patient care models, new partnerships and more.

Elizabeth Hagerman, PhD. Chief Innovation Officer and Executive Director, Isthmus, Project of UW Health (Madison, Wis.). Dr. Hagerman became the chief innovation officer of UW Health in 2020 and since then has been responsible for providing vision and leadership in developing UW Health’s innovation accelerator, Isthmus Project. She also established an innovation network connecting UW Health, the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health and other partners. Her experience includes product development, biotechnology, innovation and biotech startups and academic-industry partnerships.

Read about all honorees here: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/lists/hospital-and-health-system-chief-innovation-officers-to-know-2023.html