At New N+1 Institute, Industry Collaboration Shapes the Next Wave of Computing

For decades, the speed of computing advancement has accelerated year upon year, bringing innovation faster than ever before. Experts report we’re on the edge of a new artificial intelligence (AI) super cycle that will bring widespread impact to computing architectures, in turn leading to fundamental changes in both business and society. It’s a crucial time for all: Technology leaders want to stay in front of the opportunities and risks, while business leaders must adapt or risk being left behind. University researchers’ work has unprecedented potential for real-world impact, and students are increasingly in need of hands-on learning experiences to develop the latest specialized skills.

The N+1 Institute, a new interdisciplinary unit housed in UW-Madison’s Department of Computer Sciences, plans to address all this. The name is a nod to the idea that there’s always room to discover and improve — through multifaceted industry collaborations, the N+1 Institute “fuels research, education, and innovation in next generation computing systems.” In short: N+1 will solve tomorrow’s problems today.

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