Boosted Chews chosen to participate in gBETA early-stage accelerator program this fall

Boosted Chews, a student startup creating bite-sized caffeinated snacks, has been chosen to participate in an early-stage accelerator program this fall.

This program, gBETA, is a seven-week experience in which companies learn how to refine their business models, meet with mentors and eventually, pitch to investors, according to their website. Boosted Chews, founded by Kit Chow and Aditya Parihar, two UW-Madison students, is one of the five startups participating in the Madison Fall 2020 cohort.

Chow and Parihar had been looking forward to participating in the program since the start of their company, Parihar said, so being selected was an accomplishment for them.

“We’re super excited,” he said. “Personally, when I heard about gBETA about two years ago, and I was learning about the entrepreneuring community, it was always something I wanted to do. [I] always felt like you [had] to be so good at it to be part of it. And now we’re here.”

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