CDR Receives Federal Grant to Scale Up Innovative Technologies to Utilize Dairy Co-Products

The Center for Dairy Research (CDR) is one of 60 organizations, and the only one in Wisconsin or in the food industry, to receive a “Build to Scale” grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA).

The grant awards $1.2M to CDR to support inventors, entrepreneurs, and businesses that are developing methods to utilize dairy co-products, like permeate and acid whey, and convert them into higher value products like bioplastics, organic acids, and food ingredients. In addition, partner organizations have matched funds or provided in-kind support totaling another $1.2M in cash or in-kind value.

The Build to Scale (B2S) grant program will allow CDR to select innovative technologies from anywhere in the U.S. that are ready to be scaled up. Successful applicants will bring their promising technologies to CDR’s world class pilot plant where they will have access to equipment and staff expertise to scale up their technology so that it can be implemented in the dairy industry.

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