The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has announced that four projects have been selected to receive development funding through the WARF Accelerator Mental Health Challenge Grant. From helping screen for eating disorders to tackling depression, these technologies have high potential impact.
Researchers from multiple schools and colleges applied for funding. The selected projects are led by the following PIs:
- Andy Garbacz with Stephen Kilgus and Katie Eklund (Educational Psychology) for an online version of the Resilience Education Program that identifies and provides mental health support for youth at risk for internalizing problems
- Seth McGee (Biology Core Curriculum) for a classroom curriculum that helps students understand how different environments and activities affect mental health by monitoring brain wave activity
- Katherine Schaumberg (Psychiatry) for an individualized body weight prediction tool for eating disorder screening and treatment
- Earlise Ward (Family Medicine & Community Health) for digitizing Oh Happy Day Class intervention modules, designed for African-American adults experiencing clinical depression
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