Governor’s Business Plan Competition

This annual event aims to encourage entrepreneurs in the startup stage of tech-based businesses in Wisconsin. Contest categories are advanced manufacturing, business services, information technology and life sciences.

WSB Entrepreneurial Training Program

This grant-based program is presented in cooperation with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to qualified applicants. Includes: BizSmart Training for Entrepreneurs, one-on-one consulting and expert business plan review.

Evidence to Implementation Award

This award is designed to expedite the transfer or commercialization of evidence-based practices, interventions, and innovations to appropriate end-users using the Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad Program.

Translational Basic and Research Pilot Awards

This award addresses translational basic discovery activities (biological, social, behavioral mechanisms that underlie disease); development of biomarkers, target and lead molecules, and devices (mechanical, computational); preclinical and animal models; translation of discovery to patients.

SBIR/STTR Micro Grants

Micro Grants provide funding for those starting or expanding a technology-based business in Wisconsin to support the development of commercialization plans, comprehensive business plans, and/or Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant assistance.

WARF Therapeutics

WARF Therapeutics advances UW–Madison innovations in drugs and biologics, preparing them for the clinical trial phase.

WARF Accelerator

WARF Accelerator provides campus inventors with business-related support and targeted funding to help bridge the resource gap that frequently occurs between research and successful commercialization.

State Economic Engagement & Development Grant

The SEED Grant is for faculty and academic staff with ownership in a Wisconsin company. Funds may be used for innovative research that takes place on the UW campus and facilitates commercialization of a technology affiliated with the applicant’s company.

Draper Technology Innovation Fund

This fund supports efforts to enhance the scope or patentability of inventions and assist with their potential licensing to the commercial sector. Administered in partnership with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Applications deadlines offered quarterly.