Güd Medical Receives SEED Grant

Joseph Ulbrich, co-founder of Güd Medical, received one of the State Economic Engagement & Development (SEED) research program grants from Discovery to Product (D2P). Güd Medical is a medical device company developing an ergonomic and precision syringe adapter that allows medical professionals to administer medications with increased accuracy and comfort.

Funding through SEED supports UW–Madison faculty and academic staff with ownership in a Wisconsin company to engage in research, generate additional private and public sector support for their research programs, and promote technology transfer between the University and industry. With the $75,000 grant, the Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics lab and Güd Medical will focus on development, validation and implementation studies to introduce their product, the ErgoExact-50 syringe adapter, into regular pharmacy and hospital workflows.

“This grant should hopefully bring our product through experimental validation studies and device implementation studies with one of UW-Health’s Pharmacies,” said Joseph. “It will help to accomplish the largest researching tasks that remain before we’re able to bring the product to market.”

Read the full article at: https://bus.wisc.edu/centers/weinert/blog/2020/05/20/meb-alum-receives-d2p-seed-grant-for-g%C3%BCd-medical