UW-Madison College of Engineering
College of Engineering faculty members are leading two ambitious industry partnerships and contributing to two others as part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Promoting Industry Collaboration Initiative.
The $1.3M initiative is funded by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Seven projects led by researchers from across the UW-Madison campus received support.
William Murphy, the Harvey D. Spangler Professor of biomedical engineering and orthopedics and rehabilitation and H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellow, is leading a partnership with Promega, 3M, Catalent, Versiti, University Research Park and Venture Investors to create a first-of-its-kind course that will provide graduate students with the multidisciplinary training to succeed in the biopharmaceutical industry. Students will meet and work directly with industry partners to help them reframe their research into commercially valuable ideas.
Paul Wilson, the Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering, will head up an ambitious project establishing a one-of-a-kind public-private partnership between UW-Madison’s top-rated fusion energy program and the company Phoenix, founded by alumnus Greg Piefer (BSEE ’99, MSNEEP ’04, PhDNEEP/MedPhys ’06) and now a subsidiary of his company SHINE, to design, construct and operate a national fusion facility based on the company’s technology. Adrien Couet, assistant professor of engineering physics, and Oliver Schmitz, professor of engineering physics, are co-principal investigators on the project, while Jerry Kulcinski, professor emeritus of engineering physics, is a co-investigator. Read more …