The role of the student engineer in medicine and innovation

Noted: Discussion of the rise of biomedical engineering departments (BMEs) at universities, referencing linkages between the BerbeeWalsh Prototype Pathway at the Morgridge Institute for Research, BME design courses at UW–Madison, patenting and licensing support from …

Drawing venture capital in an agtech startup

Noted: Kieran Furlong with Discovery to Product is also a partner with Finistere Ventures, where he makes venture capital investment decisions. Furlong appeared on the Salt of the Earth podcast to share insights on criteria …

NIH redoubling support in search for new antibiotics

The National Institutes of Health is redoubling support for UW-Madison researchers scouring the world for new sources of antibiotics. This comes as more than two million drug-resistant infections are reported every year, according to the …

WARF bets big on new squad of drug hunters

Noted: WARF Therapeutics, unveiled last week at a meeting on campus, will help UW–Madison investigators deal with a difficult reality: Pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to license newly discovered biological entities (more commonly called “targets”), such …