Student Entrepreneur Profile: Andrew Shaw

Andrew Shaw, a student at UW-Madison, did not originally see himself as an entrepreneur.

Originally as a pre-med major, he navigated through personal finance, nursing, and eventually found his passion for accounting at the Wisconsin School of Business. As a senior, Andrew aspires to graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting and ultimately earn his MS in Accounting and Business Analysis, a path he had never anticipated when he first entered college. His entrepreneurial spirit, however, started much earlier when he founded Shaw Sneaker and Clothing Investment LLC his freshman year in high school, discovering opportunities with the reselling market.

“I founded the company because I am really into clothing, and I am really into fashion. I like that you can express yourself without saying a single word based on what you are wearing, and I think that’s really cool. Unfortunately, fashion is not cheap. I realized in high school that I better find a way to fund my fashion habit. I still remember the first pair of shoes that I resold. It was for a $70 dollar profit. And I started doing this reselling more and more and I realized ‘Oh okay, maybe I actually have a business here’.”

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