$100K fund to accelerate solutions in development at UW–Madison
The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation announced it will dedicate resources and a portion of its WARF Accelerator funds to inspire and advance technologies poised to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The UW/WARF COVID-19 Accelerator Challenge invites Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams to submit an invention disclosure report including a description of their project and development plan to WARF by May 4, 2020.
The fund is designed to speed the development of prototypes and other highly deployable concepts that can be commercialized or implemented in 6-12 months. Examples include: devices to protect health care workers, sanitation improvements, data analysis solutions and research tools.
Submissions are due to WARF by May 4. Criteria include:
- Project team must include a PI at UW–Madison or the Morgridge Institute for Research
- Completed disclosure form + short description of funding and development plans
- Impact, relevance and speed of deployment
- A patent is not a prerequisite
“I’m grateful to WARF for its partnership in response to COVID-19 and extending this opportunity. I encourage researchers across campus to apply. The window of time to respond to the virus requires this kind of expedited funding approach,” says Steve Ackerman, vice chancellor for research and graduate education. “This challenge grant supports concepts that can be commercialized or implemented, including, but not limited to, informing a timely and effective response, advancing public understanding of the virus, improving care including physical and mental health, and saving lives.”
“WARF has never been more proud to serve UW–Madison researchers. We know that some of our partners are on the front lines of care. Some are tracking, testing and exploring the virus itself, while others are engineering solutions from their labs and homes,” says Erik Iverson, chief executive officer of WARF. “The UW/WARF COVID-19 Accelerator Challenge is just one way we intend to support our partners and rise to this moment together.”
WARF remains open for business during the COVID-19 circumstance and continues to welcome invention disclosures from UW–Madison faculty, staff and students.
Read the full article at: https://www.warf.org/through-programs-and-events/for-inventors-entrepreneurs-and-researchers/accelerator-program/accelerator-challenge.cmsx