UW Libraries launches two new online micro-courses for innovators

UW Libraries has just launched two new online micro-courses:  “Introduction to Patents” and “Grants & Funding Sources.” Innovators can take the courses for free online at any time. Micro-courses can also be incorporated into course curricula, supplemental learning opportunities, and staff training. The UW Libraries Teaching & Learning Office developed these micro-courses in coordination with the Graduate School with content created by subject matter experts. The primary audience for these micro-courses are graduate students and advanced undergraduates, although they are freely available for anyone to read and use in their teaching and learning.

Introduction to Patents provides an overview of patents including their many parts and significance, the patent process, and strategies and resources for patent searching. (content developed by Dave Bloom, Science & Engineering Librarian/Patent & Trademark Resource Center Rep)

Grants & Funding covers funding types, sources for funding, and provides an overview of the process of applying for grants, including planning, research, writing, and follow-up. (content developed by Ellen Jacks, Grants Librarian)

A third course of interest to aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs (Introduction to Intellectual Property) launched last semester.