What to Consider About Entrepreneurship

For Latia Warren, a fulfilling career meant running her own business. But making the leap from working a comfortable corporate job with a steady income to the uncertainty of starting something from scratch was daunting for the mother of three.

After putting it off for years, she quit her banking job in 2018 and went to school to become a licensed esthetician, while working two part-time jobs.

She opened La’Karron Beauty Elements, a business offering facials, waxing, eyelash extensions and teeth whitening services, two days after graduating — though she still worked another part-time job as a safety net. She was also introduced to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation’s UpStart, a free entrepreneurship training program for women and people of color.

As Warren’s business grew. She quit her part-time job and was able to focus on La’Karron full-time.

Fortunately for others looking to monetize a hobby or transition a side hustle into a full-time job, the Madison area is filled with resources.

Read full story at https://bravamagazine.com/hobby-or-hustle-entrepreneurship/