Wisconsin Surgery Faculty Awarded Grant from UW-Madison Entrepreneurial Organization

Congratulations to Hau Le, MD, FACS, FAAP, in the Division of Pediatric Surgery, who recently received a one-year, $20,000 Robert Draper Technology Innovation Fund award from UW’s Discovery to Product (D2P).

Dr. Le’s project will focus on a potentially innovative treatment for various solid cancers such as breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer based on a novel technology called Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP). Dr. Le and his colleagues at the College of Engineering helped optimize CAP and then tested it two forms of cancer: neuroblastoma, which is a rare solid pediatric cancer with a poor overall outcome, and glioblastoma, which is an aggressive form of brain cancer with an even worse long-term survival.

Read more: https://www.surgery.wisc.edu/2023/07/05/wisconsin-surgery-faculty-awarded-grant-from-uw-madison-entrepreneurial-organization/